009XC Deborah Rosen on The Alchemyst Advanced Cross Country Twin Rivers Ranch March 2014

009XC Deborah Rosen on The Alchemyst Advanced Cross Country Twin Rivers Ranch March 2014.
Twin Rivers Ranch March 2014
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  • RideOnVideo Banned

    Rarely do I tell where the inspiration for the music comes from on your videos. Mostly, it comes from things that happen at the events we are shooting.
    The Cross Country music for this Twin Rivers Ranch event was stumbled apron and I immediately thought of Deb Rosen. I once told Deb I always looked forward to seeing her smiling face on cross country. She replied with something to the effect of "I smile, and try to be happy every day, because you never know if you will see tomorrow." Great way to look at life. Later I found out she was a breast cancer survivor. This ones for you Deb. You are truly an inspiration. Thanks for the words of wisdom and I look forward to your smile for years to come.
    -Post by Bob